Public Company Advisory Group partner Adé Heyliger presents on “Getting to Yes! | Understanding and Engaging Proxy Advisors and Shareholders” as a part of The Executive Leadership Council’s live virtual session series. As the largest institutional investors focus on stewarding their investments by establishing robust voting policies and, in some cases, vocalizing their views on how corporations should be overseen, especially with respect to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters, it is important for directors to understand the vote solicitation process and where their corporations stand with their significant investors and the key proxy advisory firms -- Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis. This session will provide a brief overview of the proxy process for soliciting votes in connection with annual or special meetings of shareholders, introduce ISS and Glass Lewis, and discuss their role and policies that influence the process, discuss the growing importance of shareholder engagement, and address some key takeaways for how to navigate and respond to, when appropriate, the views of proxy advisory firms and institutional investors, to ultimately win their support.